Friday, May 6, 2011

Re-starting on HubPages.....

It's 11pm and I have this sudden urge to write. I'm looking at a print out of my list of "Hubs to write" and I'm thinking to myself that if I could get even one or two written up per week, that would be pretty cool. I also just checked my Adsense account and surprisingly found that I have apparently -and unknowingly- earned €1.65 since December, most likely due to the Hubs I have written. Ok so thats barely enough to buy chips on a good day, but hey, it is money and I did earn it. However, I do need to earn at least €70 before I get paid anything at all........which is a long way to go.

...not quite enough for bus fare, I'm afraid.......

I'll start hubbing anyway. I've got nothing to lose. One is to pass the time, two is to earn money, and three, if I hub about stuff, I'll more than likely learn more about it too through alls good ^^.

Check out the site guys...

and my profile and budding hubs and words of (utter nonsensical) wisdom ^^....

*Planned List of Topics for Hubs...*
-->Colours of My Voice ?autobiogrphy
-->Creative Writing
-->Fortune Telling
-->How To
-->Rules of the Road
-->Skills for Success

I will try to say this with a straight face and without seeming too desperate yet I know I will fail to do so miserably because the words really say it all ._. Follow me. please.

Yours ever-so-humbly [mini-snort]
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