Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Having Brunch...and my Pretty Preppy Pep talk

It's coming up to half 12 and I'm having brunch at the kitchen table. Burnt chow mein and a mug of Horlicks..... Trying to stay cool calm and collected but deep down I'm like jelly. What if my assessor didn't like me ? What if I freak out and screw up my answers ? What if she reckons I'm not competent in the end and fails me......?

I'll keep you posted ._.
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If all else fails.........watch this series:

リットルの涙 One Litre of Tears Episode 1 Part 1/4 (English Sub)

Your eyes will pee and you'll definitely need a box of tissues and a bucket or something, unless you enjoy dampening your carpet with salty tears and grow odd little mushrooms around the gaff, but sure it's well worth your time. Loads of life lessons to be learnt from this philosophical series based on a true story. Very inspiring and makes you feel grateful for the thingabobs you usually don't feel grateful for. Even when you don't want to eh.

So guys, it's half 7 in the evening and I am back home with almost nothing done today because assessor was up to her eyes with work and......yeah. Yes that's why. So have to do it tomorrow. Despite walking around with a face looking like I've just got bitchslapped by somebody with a dead pigeon, I've managed to dig out the little positives of the day and construct it into a little seedless fruit (excuse the summery references, it's all I can think about with the sun in my eyes).

  • Tis a GLORIOUS summers day (of which I can do little about >.> ehh)
  • I met with my teacher and have confirmed with my assessor that everything could be done tomorrow (otherwise I'm as nailed and screwed as my uncle's shoe cabinet.

    You really don't wanna come across this eh....
  • Although I wasted half my day on waiting and worrying, I could've spent it on worse things (like stuffing my face and oesophagus with Pringles and Maltesers)
  • I spent some, eh, quality time with Mum shopping 2-3 hours ago (with a ginormagnificamonstrous sulk on my long noodle face that scared children everywhere we trodded ._.)
  • I have more time to study now (half-heartedly because I'm worried and my guts are doing a bit of a Spanish Tango there down yonder. Even after those Pringles and Maltesers)
  • Ditto my assignement (which I should be working on instead of gabbling to you lot. See the crap I have to go through ??)
Sorry. Too much coffee. If you ever feel you need to have a quiet emo moment to yourself or just get generally depressed, go look up "screwed" on Google images. And check out this site before you make your melancholy way to the kitchen's carving knife cupboard.

It's a bucket load of fun and sarcasm. Hope you enjoy >.> okanywayslaters.
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