Thursday, June 16, 2011

The Best Part of today.... that it's bloody over. And my bet is that all the staff on the ward feels the same.

In fairness, my section is calm in comparison to the other Crazy people section in High Dependency, but is it my time management, or my overly nice-and-politeness that made me fall down today. Had a talk with my preceptor who is just so so nice, went over the stuff I need to work on and yeah....I just felt retarded at the end of it all.

Like I'm always down with the time management....You'd think at this stage, 3rd placement, one more to go, and I should be grand..???? Ok so three patients needed help, one was going home, and the other three were fairly independent.....ugh. I feel crap, especially when you feel you've done nothing but you have and you're just exhausted, and you need to document, and then someone else finds something wrong about one patient, and the other patient is vomiting and having diarrhoea, and the other nurses are sooooo nice and are doing the stuff that you should be doing while you're standing there like a lost sheep........Ugh.

Anyway, tomorrow is my last 3-days-in-a-row. I'll be in with the same patients and I'll aim to do a hell lot better. Expect the worst to happen. Get everything done in a jiffy......Or at least try. Get multiple bedpans and blah. Always think...this could be worse. And I'll be grannd. I'll be grand.

Mum topped me up on Lucozade and chocolate orange (she's such a star <3she doesnt even realise how much I appreciate it, really) so I'm all high on sugars and not able to sleep so could do a wee bit of studying....I'll save the rest for tomorrow when I come back (:

Wish me a nice day folks !

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